Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Moral Response of an Oppressed People [Part 2]

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ŠNW NW DHDH/Shenu Nu Dekyahdekyah:
[Cycle of Revolution]
The Moral Response of an Oppressed People!

Ambakisye-Okang Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D. [Public Policy Analysis]

Global Afrikan peoples residing on the Afrikan continent, across Eurasia, on the isles of the Pacific Ocean, in North, Central and South America and in the Caribbean have undergone a socio-cultural history of socio-political economic turmoil, degradation and sub-humanization as, according to the Eurasian culturally originated international legal code, lawfully considered cheap, enslaved forced labor, no matter whether on the Afrikan continent or throughout the Global Afrikan Diaspora and now as illicit migrant unskilled labor. 

No matter the form of government under which they live and are directed such as those neo-colonial socio-political economic structures managed by Afrikan compradors in which they are the numerical majority or within the socio-political economic confines of Eurasian socio-political economic states in which they are one of many numerical minorities their inhuman treatment is such that as a governed people with a muted voice in the political apparatus- muted in the sense that their representatives are selected and coopted by external forces, they have a moral, just and Wahenga na Wahenguzi sanctioned licit, ethical obligation to nullify all pronouncements of the ruling government, void it’s cognitive cultural legitimacy and replace it with a more egalitarian socio-political economic structure; especially, as the morally bankrupt, somatic and emotionally corrupt government continues to engage in spiritual, cognitive, affective and psycho-motor physiological behaviors that are overtly and covertly violent dictatorial, despotic and undemocratic, while yielding genocide through socio-political economic means.

Let it be here noted that governments do not fail to satisfy the interests, serve the needs and solve the socio-political problems of some people and or citizens and meet those of others. 

Governments, as with any socio-political economic institution, are culturally codified relationships; patterns of human behavior, of human socio-political economic communication and interaction, meticulously organized in either a horizontal, vertical or cyclical structure to as much as feasible facilitate human interaction in a linear or non-linear system of management. 

The system of government, the institutions, i.e. the complex of human spiritual, cognitive, affective and psycho-motor physiological relationships is a cognitive cultural working pattern, a system, arrangement, method, scheme, plan and/or framework for solving socio-political economic problems.  

The person or persons who established the government institutions arranged the interaction in a particular fashion to solve a given set of socio-political economic problems for a given group of select constituents. The set and type of government institutions continues over time to do what they have been designed and are thus supposed to do. 

For example, propertied, wealthy, white enslavers of Afrikans and perpetrators of genocide against indigenous American nations set up the socio-political economic institutions that have comprised the government of the United States of America for nearly three centuries in order to serve and protect the socio-political economic needs and desires of their small elite group and posterity. 

This is a form of elite group socialism where the grassroots subsidizes the socio-political economic needs of the wealthy. Overtime the government institutions of the United States of America has done just what its programming design requires: protect the interests of the wealthy elite, which today while being racially and ethnically diverse is an all ‘white-minded’ propertied class even if no longer all white and all male.  

Protest reform movements by Global Afrikans, white women, and others, led to negotiation and co-optation of moderate leaders, i.e. liberal, centrists and so-called conservative movement leaders within the socially constructed reality of the ruling class and the murder and assassination of so-called radical leaders. 

The radical leaders were in most cases advocates and builders of a new socially constructed reality.  Their death resulted in the spiritual, cognitive, affective and psycho-motor traumatization and dissipation of the movement masses into socio-political economic isolation in segregated social clusters under constant police state surveillance.  

With this in mind it is possible to surmise that in socio-political economics change only occurs when an organized and mobilized people have a prepared strategic long term plan that allows them to take advantage of the optimal conditions that produce the opportunity for change.  

Protesting and wanting one group out of power, but leaving the socially constructed system in place and putting another group into the old positions is not change.  A system is a socio-political economic structure composed of institutions. Institutions are relationships or behavioral patterns that have become reified. 

They are a cognitive culture that becomes spiritually, cognitively, affectively and psycho-motor physiologically incarnate in the persons who take up positions within it. Consequently, new faces in old system places either reproduce the cognitive cultural template of the system or are killed.

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