Wednesday, August 17, 2016

An Uncommon Introduction to the Macroeconomics of Public Policy Analysis


[Kush/Kemet: Public Policy]


Ambakisye-Okang Quaashie Nantambu Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi
Ph.D., Public Policy Analysis

University of New Timbuktu System
Communiversity Distance Education Program

NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet
[Kush/Kemet: Bantu-Egyptian, Kushite-Egyptian, Black Egyptian]
College of Economic Development
Department of Utamaduni, Innovation, Nation-Building, Self-Sufficiency & Estate Infrastructure Development Studies

Course Description
This course will introduce  , SBЗYT/Sebayt [Kush/Kemet: Students, Apprentices, Novitiates] to the field of , SXRW/Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy] from a Multidisciplinary Inquiry based Global Afrikan perspective.  Concepts, ideas and theories will be drawn from Afrikana Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Political Anthropology, History, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Geography, Linguistics, Political Science, and Economics.

The use of this instructional , TP HSB/Tep-Heseb [Kush/Kemet: Correct Method of Knowing, Methodology] will serve to broaden the discussion and analysis and center it within the Global Afrikan subjective historical experience.  The multidisciplinary inquiry will be conducted through the analysis of the major socio-historical, socio-cultural, socio-economic, and socio-political issues, philosophies, paradigms and political science perspectives of the local, and national political economic arena, the sub-Saharan Afrika political economic arena, the continental Afrikan political economic arena, the Global Afrikan Diaspora political economic arena and the International political economic arena. 

Along with a survey and critical analysis of the discipline of , SXRW/Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy] Studies, including the approaches and processes of , SXRW/Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy] making, , SXRW/Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy] analysis, , SXRW/Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy] design, , SXRW/Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy] implementation and evaluation, and the language of which is Macroeconomics, which includes the critical deconstruction of the concepts of National Income and the Standard of Living, the Structure of Afrikan continental and Diaspora Economies, Money and Aggregate Demand/Supply, the Multiplier Model, Credit, Economic Growth,  the Determinants of National Income, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Inflation, Balance of Payments, the Exchange Rate, the Business Cycle,  Employment and Unemployment, Agriculture and Marketing, the Means of Production and National Income, Population and National Income, Public Enterprise, International Trade, Industrial Development, Public Finance and Development Planning, Politics/Deficits and Debt, International Financial Policy, Macroeconomic Policies and the Global Environment, Macroeconomic Policies and Development, the key concepts and macroeconomic public policies to be addressed include: land reform, land tenure, Agricultural production, Agricultural management, Food Sovereignty, Clothing and Housing Quality, Quantity and Distribution, , SXRW/Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy] and economic theory, political communication, power, the nation-state, nation-building, reconstruction, imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, delinking, liberation, enslavement, mal-development, socio-economic and socio-political change, resistance, and the methods of violent and nonviolent political participation (‘legitimate political action’- voting, particularized contacting, and civil disobedience, sabotage, war, terrorism and state terrorism), the political ideologies of liberalism, neo-liberalism, Ujamaa, Privatization, Conservatism, Communalism, Socialism, Marxism, Capitalism, nationalism, Black/Afrikan Nationalism, Black/Afrikan Consciousness, Afrikan traditional political economic egalitarianism, feminism, macroeconomic , SXRW/Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy] implications of environmentalism and programmatic Pan-Afrikanism, Global Afrikan Identity, the Macroeconomics of Afrikan Citizenship and Afrikan Nationality; the organization and , SXRW/Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy] of major political systems; institutions of governance; executives, legislatures, and courts; the international dimensions of local and national political and economic , SXRW/Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy].

The method of analysis utilized will, from a Global Afrikan perspective, first locate the  , SBЗYT/Sebayt [Kush/Kemet: Student, Apprentice, Novitiate] as a centered active participant, a major factor of Global Afrikan political and economic “…agency and accountability…” and second, “…locate the imaginative structure...” of the political arenas and key concepts in their “…attitude, direction, and language…” by analyzing “…text, institution, personality, interaction, or event.”  These themes provide frameworks to interpret and analyze current events, locate them as either central or peripheral to the Global Afrikan experience and evaluate their impact on the nature of domestic and international macroeconomic , SXRW/Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy] and its effect on ones country, continental Afrika and the Global Afrikan Diaspora. To do so the  , SBЗYT/Sebayt [Kush/Kemet: Student, Apprentice, Novitiate] must assume a principal role as a representative and servant of Global Afrikan people and their advancement.

Parallel goals of this course include developing effective critical reading, critical (active) listening and critical speaking skills, enhancing critical and creative thinking, critical research, critical analysis, and critical writing skills.  Regarding research methods, the  , SBЗYT/Sebayt [Kush/Kemet: Student, Apprentice, Novitiate] will learn and apply the following skills: how to select a topic, conduct literature review, formulate hypotheses, operationalize concepts, select a research design, collect appropriate data, test hypotheses, analyze the results, and actually write (and re-write) a research paper.

This course will seek to foster a global understanding and appreciation of Global Afrikan sub-cultural diversity, north/south economic difference, and inequality and its solutions, through critical and creative thinking.  Together, these objectives help form the basis for future coursework in and out of the discipline and should help  , SBЗYT/Sebayt [Kush/Kemet: Students, Apprentices, Novitiates] make informed judgments about the macro-political and macro-economic , SXRW/Skheru [Kush/Kemet: Public Policy] world around them as they position themselves as centered Global Afrikan leaders in the Global Afrikan community operating as active Global Afrikan agents of positive social change.

In short, this course is about developing the requisite background to engage in comprehensive problem solving.  Research projects will attempt to answer questions that are pertinent to both Global Afrikan society.  Completing a research project that provides even a tentative, limited answer to the critical survival issues of the Afrikan global community is of utility, as it will lay the foundation for future analysis, research and solutions. 

The acquisition of research skills will move  , SBЗYT/Sebayt [Kush/Kemet: Students, Apprentices, Novitiates] beyond the Eurocentric perspective of , SB3/Seba [Kush/Kemet: Education], which holds that the learning endeavor is a passive activity where information is provided to the  , SBЗYT/Sebayt [Kush/Kemet: Student, Apprentice, Novitiate], i.e., rote memorization.  Instead,  , SBЗYT/Sebayt [Kush/Kemet: Students, Apprentices, Novitiates] will be moved into the proactive sphere, operating from a     , RXT SЗI NT SB3/Rekhet Sai ent Seba [Kush/Kemet: Philosophy of Education] where , SB3/Seba [Kush/Kemet: Education] is a process through which  , SBЗYT/Sebayt [Kush/Kemet: Students, Apprentices, Novitiates] discover answers and develop innovative solutions to questions and problems of interest to their families, themselves, their nation, the Global Afrikan community. The intentionality then is the development of Global Afrikan  , SXRY/Skhery [Kush/Kemet: Policy-Makers].

Email Above for Additional Information!

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