Thursday, July 28, 2022

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Warfare

"Now, the investing of this capital, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been a major factor in the many wars in which the nation-states of the Global North have waged against the people of the neocolonial nation-states of the Global South. Wars ostensibly indulged in for the good of humanity, i.e., humanitarian military actions and to expand democracy and protect civilisation, i.e., solidifying White Power. Multinationals must have more markets, recalictrant lands must be forced into the chains of ‘modernization,’ either by economic sanctions or invasion. And when the Elites of the Global North have got the new markets, and when those markets are threatened by populist self-determination movements, then the national interests of the Eurasians imperialists nation-states must be protected. Which means the deployment of the Eurasians armed forces, aerial bombardment, naval blockades, drone strikes.

To get the new markets and to protect them the Elites of the imperial core plunge their nation-state into a military action. Millions are slaughtered in the Global South and then the survivors of the vanquished neocolonial nation-state are taught to need the trinkets of the imperials. 

Trade is revived, foreign direct control of the natural resources of the neocolonial nation-state is reestablished. In accordance with the capitalist business cycle good times come again for certain industries in the imperial core, and the laborers in those select industries forget any past economic dislocations and social discomforts. 

All over the world Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) bring the Eurasian nation-states and their intergovernmental military alliance organizations, such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) into collision with either the capitalists of other nation-states, also seeking good investment soils or with Ukombozi [Kiswahili: Liberation] movements for national self-determination. 

Continuous wars and the constant preparations for war are the natural result of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and thus ‘Free Market Economics’, ‘Free Trade’ or ‘Open Market Economics.’ Competition, a dissociative process, does not breed mutual attachment or comradeship, but enmity, rivalry and hostility.

For the neocolonial nation-state no surplus of wealth is produced. Enough wealth to supply an optimal existence for the population is not produced. It could be, but the fact is, that it is not. This is unsurprising given the nature of neocolonialism. It is also a fact that within the imperial core, an optimal existence is not provided for all of the population there. 

How then can the Elites of the Global North nation-states export any surplus wealth as capital to be used in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) abroad? Simply because, of the wealth produced, an inequitable proportion is taken from the population in the form of rent, interest, and profits by the Elites, and these Elites, not being able to consume or use all the wealth that they have hoarded in their home country, invest the surplus abroad in other Global North nation-states and in the Global South. 

Thus, to defend this export of capital, to justify Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is to support the unequal manner in which the wealth was expropriated from laborers and to exonerate the wholly inequitable distribution of the wealth produced.

If the wealth of our neocolonial nation-state were employed within our borders and equitably distributed, full employment at fair wages could be found for a large portion of our people. The  rmt/ Remetch [Kush/Kemet: Autochthonous Humanity, the Blacks-Afrikans], under an equitable distribution of the wealth and wise use of the natural resources require food, houses, clothes, furniture, tools, etc. 

Instead, what we presently have is millions of unemployed, millions are half-starved, hundreds of thousands of badly paid workers, all of this while wealth is hoarded by the Elites of the Global North and Global South in the banks of the Global North! At the same time these Elites in the Global North have even more stocks of surplus capital for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)."

Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi, PhD

km mAat/Kem Djed.ten Maat [To Be Black, Speak You Maat]

pp. 22-25.

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