Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Foundations of the American Conception of "Democracy"

If not for Compulsory Mis-education it would be well known that the American conception of "Democracy" as delineated by the Founders of the American Republic is in no way grounded in an idea of Universal Inalienable Human Rights as both the British Colonies before it (along with all other European Colonial Societies) and the new American Nation, accepted the institutions of Genocide & Slavery as a naturally occurring phenomena fit for the "Lower Races" as well as their cultural practices of Incest, Rape, Child Marriages and the dehumanization and subjugation of their own women.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Moral Response of an Oppressed People [Part 9]

         
ŠNW NW DHDH/Shenu Nu Dekyahdekyah:
[Cycle of Revolution]
The Moral Response of an Oppressed People!

Ambakisye-Okang Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D. 
[Public Policy Analysis]

ŠNW NW DHDH/ Shenu Nu Dekyahdekyah: 
The Moral Response of the Afrikan

"By what standard of morality can the violence used by a slave to break his chains be considered the same as the violence of a slave master?" [Mhenga Walter Rodney]

        As was previously stated John Locke's proposition on the right of the oppressed to revolt is exemplified in the relationship of Afrikans to the government of the United States of America.  By reason of a long history of abuses Afrikans in America would be philosophically justified if   , ŠNW NW DHDH/Shenu Nu Dekyahdekyah [Kush/Kemet: Cycle of Revolution] with the intentionality of implementing a new socio-political economic order were pursued.  And with regard to the overall proposition on the dissolution of unjust government the Afrikan in America is perhaps the best existing example.  The Afrikan is justified in choosing   , ŠNW NW DHDH/Shenu Nu Dekyahdekyah [Kush/Kemet: Cycle of Revolution] to dissolve the American government for the following reasons: 
1.     The Eurasian governments participated in and continue to participate in the conquest and exploitation of the Afrikan homeland. To wit, the Afrikan had his homeland conquered by Eurasians and was captured, enslaved, forcibly transported for labor with his homeland being colonized and later neo-colonized;

2.     As a result of these socio-political economic incidents the Afrikan is a prisoner of an undeclared war and therefor it is the duty of every Afrikan to undermine, cripple and replace in any way, shape and form any and all of the socio-political economic institutions of the enemy;

3.     The governments under which the Afrikan now finds himself were designed and implemented without the voice or consent of the Afrikan;

4.     This being the case the Afrikan is being governed by an entity that they are not a part of and since the government is not of the Afrikan people by the Afrikan people and for the Afrikan people the Afrikan is not obligated to obey it’s decrees in any way;

5.     Every action that is taken by the government that concerns the Afrikan is comparable to the actions of a country that has colonized, neo-colonized or militarily occupied another country; 

6.     With the actions of the government being of this nature  it is the duty of the Afrikan to seek decolonization and to expel the power that is in military occupation.

        The Afrikan is further justified in seeking   , ŠNW NW DHDH/Shenu Nu Dekyahdekyah [Kush/Kemet: Cycle of Revolution] for the Afrikan is constantly depicted as drug dealers, drug users, womanizers, whores, unfit mothers, delinquent fathers, murders, rapists, uneducated, illiterate, immoral, lewd, lascivious and the like.  Afrikans are depicted as such by the socially constructed society and government is nothing more than the mirror reflection of the spiritual, cognitive, affective and psycho-motor physiological thoughts of the dominant group in society.  These points reinforce the statement that the right to end government jurisdiction over a people is the right of the governed.  Since government is installed and governed by people, it is the job of the people to correct a government, which strays from the just path as to do so ensures the safety of all the governed.  To refuse the obligation forces men to react in a manner that is comparable to a cornered wild animal.
        At this time it is necessary to mention that the majority of Afrikans for example those in America do not seek armed   , ŠNW NW DHDH/Shenu Nu Dekyahdekyah [Kush/Kemet: Cycle of Revolution] as the answer to their socio-political economic problems and this is born in part of the highly spiritual nature of Global Afrikan peoples and also as a result of the manner in which the colonized and neo-colonized religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam were re-introduced to conquered Afrikan peoples.  When   , ŠNW NW DHDH/Shenu Nu Dekyahdekyah [Kush/Kemet: Cycle of Revolution] is mentioned by many Afrikans it is mentioned with the divine meaning of the word.    , ŠNW NW DHDH/Shenu Nu Dekyahdekyah [Kush/Kemet: Cycle of Revolution] from this paradigm is seen as a natural circuit in the cycle of the life of humanity and human socio-political economic constructions:  where once the beginning was the end, now the end is the beginning.  It is the natural order of creation and will be incessant and involuntary in its movement.  In the Global Afrikan mind what will be has been divinely foretold and cannot be stopped.
        It is from this spiritual, cognitive, affective and psycho-motor paradigm that one may comprehend that the philosophies of governmental dissolution as proposed by the Eurasian John Locke when applied to Global Afrikan peoples like the Afrikans in the United States of America justify the right of the Afrikan to revolt against a government that has from its inception seen Afrikans as less than human.  This socio-political economic philosophy expounded finds its soul in all of the ancient and sacred literature of the Wahenga na Wahenguzi of Global Afrikan peoples; therefore, the socio-political economic philosophy itself is not new, but is the work of the oppressed themselves.

The Moral Response of an Oppressed People [Part 8]

         
ŠNW NW DHDH/Shenu Nu Dekyahdekyah:
[Cycle of Revolution]
The Moral Response of an Oppressed People!

Ambakisye-Okang Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D. 

[Public Policy Analysis]

“If slavery were abolished...the Negroes amongst us would be slaves to the social system, instead of slaves to individuals; the restrictions of the law would be more hard than the control of a master." [Mhenga John L. Carey, c. 6086 KC/c. 1845 CE]

        All of the socio-political economic examples of ŠNW NW DHDH/Shenu Nu Dekyahdekyah from the War of National Liberation in KMT/Kemet to the Cuban Revolution have provided support for the proposition presented by John Locke that a people living under a government that is despotic and arbitrary will overturn that government when it recognizes its oppression caused spiritual, cognitive, affective and psycho-motor physiological trauma.  The hypothesis of this paper has been repeatedly stated throughout that Global Afrikan peoples have a moral duty to the Wahenga na Wahenguzi, the q R, NTR ‘З/Netcher-aa [Kush/Kemet: The Great Spirit or Ancestor] and the Beautyful Ones Not Yet Born to remove the yoke of arbitrary, oppressive government.  By way of a case study it will be shown that the Afrikan residing in America has an ethical obligation to engage in regime change and socio-political economic regime change in the heart of the current Eurasian global imperial order. That the government of the United States of America has been arbitrary with regards to the Afrikan is undeniable.  In the North American pseudo-democratic system of the United States it is a matter of socio-political economic theory only that government is of the people by the people and for the people. The government of the United States of America is representative in social and political philosophy and economically driven by a pluralist elite.  The pluralist American elite originally was a white male propertied elite but has over time coopted racial minority groups and white women in order to give the façade of change. The Eurasian pluralist elite mentality is expressed by Marimba Ani in comparison to the Afrikan as follows:
                "The mode or determining structure of the western world view is that of power, control and destruction. Realities are split into pairs of opposing parts. Conventionally, one of these becomes valued, while its converse is understood as lacking value. One is "good" and the other is "bad." It then becomes necessary(valued behavior) to attempt to destroy one (the "bad"), while the other ascends to supremacy. The human response to the universe, for instance, is separated into "Reason" and "Emotion." "Reason" then becomes the valued aspect of humanity. It must be used to control or deny "emotion" in order for us to be properly human. (The African conception is quite different. In it spirit and emotion are the essence of humanness.) Other opposing pairs, in the European are "knowledge/opinion," "objective/ subjective," "science/religion," "mind/body," "male/female," "man/boy," "white/black," and so forth." To the African, on the other hand, the universe is made up of complementary pairs. These "pairs" are forces, or principles of reality that are interdependent and necessary to each other, in a unified system. The Divine Essence, for instance is both female and male and therefore able to reproduce itself. It does so in the form of male and female twins that then pair in order to continue the process. The determining mode of the African world-view is harmony. In the African world-view the human and the divine are not hopelessly separated, as they are in western theology, where the divine is defined as being the negation of all that is human. (It requires a miracle for them to interact)...”[1]

Mhenga Amos N. Wilson, as the result of extensive research over several decades, concluded that there were a number of ‘constants’ in the historical relationship[2] between the Mabila [Kiswahili: Ethnic Groups] of Afrika and the tribes of Eurasia, in particular the historical interactions linking the two broad divisions of Ubinadamu [Kiswahili: Humanity] over the preceding half millennium. During the last five centuries the structure, function and dynamics of the socio-political communication, economic interchange and military engagements, which are defining components of the interrelations of Afrikans and Eurasians, were initiated and shaped by Eurasians according to Eurasian elite needs. The needs of Eurasians elites as delineated by Eurasians culture featured certain significant aspects which were unchanging. Given the xenophobic, violent, globally expansive for the purpose of empire-building, hegemonic nature of European culture, the preponderance of coercive force in the form of mechanized weapons on the side of Eurasian powers; and the xenophilic, socially conservative, regionally centered non-globally expansive integrated kingdoms and imperial territorial states resulting primarily from annexation for the purpose of regional security, cooperative nature of Afrikan culture, and the near dearth of mechanized weaponry in the hands of Afrikan militaries, it is in no way ambiguous as to why the essential character of Afrikan and Eurasian interactions was so heavily weighted in favor of Eurasia. This power imbalance is especially true when one gives thought to the place and use of religion and or spiritual systems in the cultures of Afrika and Eurasia. In the cultures of Afrika religion and or spiritual systems are ways of life encompassing the entire culture used for human development, where as in the cultures of Eurasia religion and or spiritual systems are socio-political institutions used to further elite political economic imperial agendas.  However, as Mhenga Amos N. Wilson stated the historical relationship has been continually defined by a series of ‘constants’. These ‘constants’ were present in the initial phase of Afrikan and Eurasia interaction five hundred years ago and continued to be underlying factors in all subsequent socio-cultural interactions.
Mhenga Wilson is suggesting that as the external behavior of Eurasians and Afrikans toward one another appeared to change there were certain aspects of the relationship which remained consistent. More specifically, considering that the distribution of coercive power was skewed disproportionately on the side of Eurasians and therefore as a result of the successful use of that power, Eurasians occupied the dominant position in all socio-political economic interactions, and keeping in mind the correlation of dominant group power and socio-psychological act of projection or the ability to ascribe negative behaviors onto the other subordinate party, it is more appropriate to say that as the external superficial behavior of Eurasians towards Afrikans appeared to change there were certain substantive aspects of Eurasian Afrikan interaction which remained unchanged. Provided that it is understood that Afrikan behavior is generally reactive in this exchange, due to the fundamental socio-political nature of the Afrikan culture in that it is xenophilic and none expansive, sense can be made of the wisdom of Mhenga Wilson by the apprehension of the salient aspects of the historical relationship of Eurasians and Afrikans for the previous half millennium. For it is this particular historical period of the past five hundred years that Mhenga Wilson is particularly referencing in his analysis. Against the background of the work of scholars like Mhenga Amos N. Wilson, the entire nature of the socio-political relationship that has existed between the Afrikan and the American government has been one that is incessantly marked with alienation and violent conflict. This situation remains unchanged even in the light of the superficial apparent socio-political economic change represented by the appointment of Afrikans to high positions in American government and with the supposedly momentous occasion of the election of an Afrikan as President of the United States of America. As Mhenga Amos N. Wilson prophesied two decades before the ‘historic’ United States Presidential election of c. 6249 KC [c. 2008 CE]:
“I often use that phrase that you hear all the time, things change to remain the same. So often you create apparent change to keep situations the same.  The European learned of course that they didn’t have to maintain a direct military presence, say on the Afrikan continent or in other areas where Afrikans live in order to umm… protect their political and economic interests. So uh… you uh… you create a ruling class uh… an indigenous ruling class there, you see and there appears to be change and it is a change of a sort, however, the basic economic dominance does not change at all.  I often talk about what I call the constants you see in our relationships with Europeans and it’s important that we look at the constants not the superficial changes you see. And often what happens is that first the European makes superficial the Afrikan intellect and makes superficial the Afrikan intelligence so that the Afrikan can be deceived by superficial changes while the basic and fundamental relationship are not changed at all.  Down at the Institute of Technology I was talking to my students the other day, ‘Now your electrical engineers, but your fundamental relationship between uh… your fundamental relationship to Whites is no different from your grandparents who were in slavery, because that fundamental relationship is one of producing profits for your European masters.’ And so if at some point making Blacks engineers, letting them be engineers or letting them be computer technologists or EVEN LETTING THEM BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES will maintain that constant relationship that change will occur. And so often people then will respond to that apparent change and miss the fact that the fundamental relationship has not changed at all.”[3]

[1] Marimba Ani, Let the Circle Be Unbroken: The Implications of African Spirituality in the Diaspora (New York: Red Sea Press, 1994)               

[2] “It takes two birds to make a nest.” [Afrikan Proverb]
[3] Amos N. Wilson, WLIB Radio Interview (New York: February, 1988)

Monday, July 18, 2016

Cheikh Anta Diop- The Afrikan Origins Of Civilization

Mhenga John G. Jackson: Afrikan Atheistic/Naturalistic Spirituality

Mhenga John G. Jackson: Afrikan Atheistic/Naturalistic Spirituality

Dr. Chancellor Williams & Professor John G Jackson

Mhenga Amos N. Wilson: Educating the Black Child

Mhenga John Henrik Clarke: "What We As Afrikan People Must Do and What We Must Know

Malcolm X Speech: Los Angeles, California 5 May 1962

Nubian Spirit: The Afrikan Legacy of the Nile Valley

There is No Such Think as a 'Black' Bank: Mhenga Amos N. Wilson

Sunday, July 17, 2016

What We Must Do To Be Free

"America has grown affluent with the decisive contribution of our blood and our toil.  But the fruits of our labor have seldom reverted back to us.  In return for our work, we have received destitution and terror and have been consistently prevented from seizing control over the circumstances of our lives...Black people can never be truly free-economically, socially, politically-until the entire fabric of this society is first dissolved, then transformed and restructured in harmony with our needs, our interests, our dreams."[1]

[1] Henry Olela and Shirley Williams (Eds.),  Philosophical Inquiry: An Investigation of Basic Philosophical Presuppositions (Washington D.C.: The Institute for Services to Education, Inc., 1974) pp. 160-161

The Moral Response of an Oppressed People! [Part 7]

     
ŠNW NW DHDH/Shenu Nu Dekyahdekyah:
[Cycle of Revolution]
The Moral Response of an Oppressed People!

Ambakisye-Okang Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D. 
[Public Policy Analysis]

The Ayitian Revolution c. 6032-6045 KC [c. 1791-1804 CE]

"The only way we'll get freedom for ourselves is to identify ourselves with every oppressed people in the world. We are blood brothers to the people of Brazil, Venezuela, Haiti, Cuba - yes Cuba too." [Mhenga Malcolm X]

As the Maafa Mkubwa expanded to new of heights of misery for Global Afrikan peoples between c. 5991-6091 KC [c. 1750-1850 CE] and engendered renewed sustained efforts at socio-political economic military resistance and Afrikan state reformation in all quarters of the Afrikan world forcing some retrenchment by the Eurasian state funded vanguard multi-national business enterprises one particularly momentous revolutionary incident occurred initiated by Global Afrikan spiritual, cognitive, affective and psycho-motor physiological agency that has had multiple repercussions for Global Afrikan peoples to the present day. That incident was the Ayitian Revolution waged by organized, enslaved newly arrived West Afrikans, who were approximately seventy percent of the Afrikan population and Ayitian born Afrikans, who were roughly thirty percent of the enslaved population all under the spiritual guidance and leadership of the Wahenga na Wahenguzi Dutty Zamba Boukman, Cecile Fatiman, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Henri Christophe, Alexandre Pétion and Francois Capois against the French Republic under Napoleon Bonaparte, Great Britian, the Kingdom of Spain and Polish mercenaries from 21 April c. 6032 KC [c. 1791 CE] to 1 January c. 6045 KC [c. 1804 CE].

The progressive Global Afrikan spirituality that resulted in the Ayitian Revolution had roots in the actions of Mhenga Francios Mackandal, an Ayitian Afrikan Vodun priest and Afrikan cultural traditionalist who used Afrikan cultural traditions to unite Afrikan Maroons in socio-political economic struggle against the French on the island of Ayiti from c. 5992-5999 KC [c. 1751-1758 CE] and in Mhenga Dutty Zamba Boukman, a Ayitian Afrikan Vodun priest and Cecile Fatiman an Ayitian Afrikan Mambo, i.e. Vodun priestess, who conducted a spiritual-religious ceremony in Ayiti in which a Liberation Covenant was affirmed between the Wahenga na Wahenguzi, the q R, NTR ‘З/Netcher-aa [Kush/Kemet: The Great Spirit or Ancestor], the Beautiful Ones Not Yet Born and the oppressed, enslaved Ayitians. The Ayitians under the inspiration of the Wahenga na Wahenguzi acting through Zamba Boukman and Mambo Fatiman were encouraged to:

Koute lalibete nan tout kè nou! [Listen to the voice of liberty which speaks in the hearts of all of us!

Additionally, in prayer Zamba Boukman invoked the q R, NTR ‘З/Netcher-aa [Kush/Kemet: The Great Spirit or Ancestor] in the following way:

"Bon Dje ki fè la tè. Ki fè soley ki klere nou enro. Bon Dje ki soulve lanmè. Ki fè gronde loray. Bon Dje nou ki gen zorey pou tande. Ou ki kache nan niaj. Kap gade nou kote ou ye la. Ou we tout sa blan fè nou sibi. Dje blan yo mande krim. Bon Dje ki nan nou an vle byen fè. Bon Dje nou an ki si bon, ki si jis, li ordone vanjans. Se li kap kondui branou pou nou ranpote la viktwa. Se li kap ba nou asistans. Nou tout fet pou nou jete potre dje Blan yo ki swaf dlo lan zye. Koute vwa la libète kap chante lan kè nou." [Ayitian Kreyol]

“Great God who created the earth; who created the sun that gives us light. Great God who holds up the ocean; who makes the thunder roar. Our Great God who has ears to hear. You who are hidden in the clouds, who watches us from where you are, You see all that the Whites have made us suffer. The White man's God asks him to commit crimes. But the Great God within us wants to do good. Our Great God, who is so good, so just, orders us to revenge our wrongs. It is Our Great God who will direct our arms and bring us the victory. It is Our Great God who will assist us.”[1]

This Vodun ceremony, which had many counterparts in the multi-denominational Global Afrikan spiritual system, is considered a primary catalyst to the coordinated grassroots uprising that signaled the genesis of the Ayitian Revolution in c. 6032 KC [c. 1791 CE].

Though the revolutionary leader Dutty Zamba Boukman would eventually be murdered by the French colonial forces and the guidance of the Ayitian Revolution would fall into the hands of men such as Jean-Francois Papillion, Georges Biassou, who were participants with Dutty Zamba Boukman at the Bois-Caiman Vodun ceremony and later to Toussaint L'Ouverture, Henri Christophe and Jean Jacques Dessalines whose allegiance to the Wahenga, Vodun spirituality and the Afrikan way was negligible to non-existent with perhaps the exception of Jean Jacques Dessalines, who is the only one of the first three leaders of the Ayitian nation, the other two being L’Ouverture and Christophe, to be declared a Saint of the Vodun faith; the ceremony and the success of the military phase of the Ayitian Revolution demonstrates operative Afrikan spiritual liberatory agency. However, even here one can see the bedevilment of the spirit of the comprador, for example in Toussaint L’Ouverture who came to eventually rule Ayiti with his strong affinities for France and French culture probably due to his ‘status’ as a coachman and the suppression of the Vodun faith that he promulgated during his rule and which were continued to a lesser extent under Henri Christophe and virtually ended under Jean Jacques Dessalines.

[1] Paul Camy Mocombe, Carol Tomlin and Cecile Wright, Race and Class Distinctions Within Black Communities: A Racial Caste in Class (London: Routledge, 2013) pp. 191-192

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Moral Response of an Oppressed People [Part 6]

         
ŠNW NW DHDH/Shenu Nu Dekyahdekyah:
[Cycle of Revolution]
The Moral Response of an Oppressed People!

Ambakisye-Okang Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D. 
[Public Policy Analysis]

War of National Liberation:[1]
 KMT/Kemet c. 2681-2706 KC [c. 1560-1535 BCE]

“The unity of theoretical education and the application of this wealth of knowledge to the practical requirements and demands of our liberation is a difficult challenge. In a freedom struggle such as the one that exists in Africa and America today the unity of thought and action must be the cornerstone of all of us who desire to work for the total emancipation of the black race.” [Mhenga Malcolm X]

National liberation, the self-reliant act by a historically conscious people of freeing themselves from foreign domination, through armed struggle coupled with the reconstruction of their cognitive, spiritual, affective and psychomotor physiological Utamaduni is unambiguously the supreme political-economic exploit born of the collective national Utambuzi of a spiritually aware people. 

As the existing social order is determined by the people and their revolutionary representatives to be illegitimate and against the socio-cultural, political-economic and historically grounded standards of the Wahenga na Wahenguzi, all methods of non-violent direct political action and participation are deemed as inefficient given that they simply reinforce the existing social order and perpetuate the system of illegitimacy.  

In this instance the organized people have chosen to openly and violently oppose and combat the foreign, non-native seizure of power and alien occupation on the grounds that it is a flagrant violation and systematic infringement of the Wahenga na Wahenguzi established nationally recognized system of laws of right conduct, which in the case of Afrika are born from the Wahenga na Wahenguzi codification of right action known as , MЗ‘T/Maat [Kush/Kemet: Truth, Justice, Harmony, Balance, Order, Reciprocity, Propriety].  

From the perspective of the Wahenga na Wahenguzi precepts of the law of , MЗ‘T/Maat [Kush/Kemet: Truth, Justice, Harmony, Balance, Order, Reciprocity, Propriety] violent resistance to foreign domination which is a representation of chaotic principles of   , ISFT/Isfet [Kush/Kemet: Prevarication, Immorality, Chaos, Incongruity, Disorganization, Conflict and Unscrupulousness] is a natural reaction and therefore such an act is accorded a righteous status.  

In the sacred text, the   , PRT M HRW/Pert em Heru [Kush/Kemet: Book of Coming Forth By Day] we read the following:

SmЗ‘iw xft nw WSIR/Ausar xnr sbiw hr.f …‘hЗn hr.k sbn hr rn.k…Prw
m imw hrw dr sbiw m sxm: Dis-eased are the combatants of WSIR/Ausar. I
have scattered and restrained with zeal the criminal fools, the perpetrators of
invasion and insurrection for him.  I have waged war for you WSIR/Ausar I have
overthrown the adversary for your name.  The outcome for the criminal fools,
the perpetrators of invasion and insurrection is namely a day of woe, grief and
mourning.  I have overwhelmed, subdued and expelled the criminal fools, the
perpetrators  of invasion and insurrection with power…

Xft.k r‘w n swЗt sbiw xr ‘‘.f qЗws nhm n R‘ iw.f msw bds n …Bhn
sbiw: Your opponents condition is a state of mental impoverishment. The defiant fools of invasion and insurrection are violently overthrown in war.  His disease has
reached the heights of heaven.  R‘/Ra has withdrawn and eliminated his ability
to start movements of corruption, immorality and criminality.  The children of
the conveyors of invasion and insurrection, they shall not live…May I drive off
the fools of invasion and revolt.” [PRT M HRW/Pert em Heru: Book of Coming Forth By Day Chapters 1:9-11, 22; 15:9, 14][2]

For a historically conscious, politically and economically aware people the ideology of international and humanitarian law of the invading powers have no meaning given that they are outgrowths of the cultural system of the prevailing regional or global organized power.  

As it is forever at the forefront of the minds of a socio-historically conscious people that all peoples universalize their ideology of law and utilize it as a justification for courses of action, and furthermore at any given moment in history the international law answers to the culture complex of the most powerful nation. 

National Liberation is then a movement of the people organized for the purpose of struggling with invading powers intent on domination, colonization and the imposition of a political-economic and ethnic social order supported by religion which reduces the people to a position of subservience and legitimizes said action.  

The National Liberation movement is then the hostile opposition of the people led by a revolutionary, subversive, dissident, insurrectionist insurgency which continues until the desired objective of the violent removal of the foreign social order and the complete displacement of the alien rulers and their Utamaduni from the land and minds of the people and the restoration of national self-rule according to national cultural methodologies of government is achieved.[3]

In c. 2681 KC [c. 1560 BCE] SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa, the son of SNЗXTNR ЗHMS/Senakhtenre Ahmese and his consort TTIŠRI/ Tetisheri, local rulers within the environs of , WЗST/Wa-set [Kush/Kemet: City of the Sceptre, Thebes], and his ceremonial wife ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I, launched the War of National Liberation to oust the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan], who were under the leadership of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, from the   , IDHW ITRW H ‘PI/Idehu Iteru Hapi [Kush/Kemet: Nile Delta] and out of , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] proper. 

The beginnings of this phase of the National Liberation Movement occurred with the ascendancy of SNЗXTNR ЗHMS/Senakhtenre Ahmese and his consort TTIŠRI/Tetisheri to the paramountcy of all of Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet], a task accomplished most likely by negotiation and when necessary bloody civil conflict.  

Upon the transition of SNЗXTNR ЗHMS/Senakhtenre Ahmese either from age or more likely the stress and strain from his efforts to unify Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet], his wife TTIŠRI/ Tetisheri, who was not of the royal blood lines but instead was the child of a grassroots couple, her father being TNNЗ/Tchenna and her mama being NFRW/Neferu, became , MWT NSW/Mut Nesu [Kush/Kemet: Queen Mother] and a guiding force in the National Liberation Movement.  

Her son, SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa, and more importantly her daughter, ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I, through whom the new bloodline and royal right to rule would pass, would both, along with ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I’s biological children with her true husband and SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa’s offspring with his true wives, ЗHMS INHЗPI/Ahmese Inhapi, and SITDHWTI/Sitdjehuti, lead a three decade struggle to vanquish the    , HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu [Kush/Kemet: Rulers of Foreign Lands, Hyksos] from the sacred land.

Now at this time Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] in its divided, disunified state probably faced fairly regular incursions by the    , HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu [Kush/Kemet: Rulers of Foreign Lands, Hyksos], who had become the dominant power in the wake of the chaotic conditions which followed the collapse of   , PR ‘З/Per-aa XIII [Kush/Kemet: Dynasty 13] and persisted throughout the majority of  , PR ‘З/Per-aa XVI [Kush/Kemet: Dynasty 16].  

With so many claimants, counter-claimants and potential claimants and war of , SPЗT/Sepat [Kush/Kemet: District] against , SPЗT/Sepat [Kush/Kemet: District], with independent claimants rising up in different city-states as happened in , ЗBDW/Abdju [Kush/Kemet: Abydos] c. 2591- 2641 KC [c. 1650-1600 BCE] and with a lack of any type of border security, Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] was ripe territory for regular raids for war booty from both the north as well as from Utamaduni Mkubwa ya  , IW MIRWIWЗ/Iu Miruiwa [Kush/Kemet: Island of Meroe] in the south. 

The ascension of SNЗXTNR ЗHMS/Senakhtenre Ahmese and his success at unifying all of Upper KC [c. 1650-1600 BCE] and with a lack of any type of border security, Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] drastically changed this situation and the skill of SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa at maintaining and expanding the hard won peace, most certainly was viewed by the    , HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu [Kush/Kemet: Rulers of Foreign Lands, Hyksos] in the   , IDHW ITRW H ‘PI/Idehu Iteru Hapi [Kush/Kemet: Nile Delta] with wary eyes; for a unified Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] spelled the end of Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] domination in the north as it had since the days of the great unifier, , NSW/Nesu [Kush/Kemet: King] N‘R MR/Nar-Mer.  

It was probably with these political-economic thoughts in mind that the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] leader NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi initiated the acts which precipitated the end of Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] rule in Lower , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet]. According to the chronicles of the  , HRSŠTЗ/ Herseshta [Kush/Kemet: Teachers Adept in the Sacred Wisdom, Master-Teachers] the beginnings of the final phase of the National War of Liberation were on this wise:

“In due course of time, the IDHW N HPI ITRW/Iedjehu en Hapi Iteru, of Lower KMT/Kemet, i.e., all of the north land was polluted by the contaminating presence of the vile HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu. This circumstance prevailed for there was no PR ‘З/Per-aa that reigned sovereign over the entirety of the ‘Two Lands,’ uniting and guiding the people of TЗ MRY/Ta Meri.  The peoples of the Southern lands of Upper KMT/Kemet were united and governed by SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ Prince of WЗST/Wa-set, the great southern city and his consort, ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I; while the peoples of North Land of Lower KMT/Kemet were under the contamination of the HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu.

At this time the leader of the HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu was NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, whose hegemony was projected from the city of HWT WRT/Hut Weret; all of the IDHW N HPI ITRW/Iedjehu en Hapi Iteru made obeisance to him with all of the works of their skilled craftsmen, sending as an acknowledgement of his suzerainty the best of the foodstuffs of the harvest of the Northern lands of TЗ MRY/Ta Meri.

Now this NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ had designated and established celebrations, rituals and rites for offering sacrifices in commemoration of ST/Set, after the manner as is done in the Temple of R‘/Ra in the sacred city of IWNW/Iunu, the City of the Sun.  Furthermore, NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ he had a Temple erected for the commemoration of ST/Set, next to his royal residence, and he and his servants and their courtiers did daily make obeisance to ST/Set in all solemnity.

As time passed, NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ sought a reason to arouse the wrath and contempt of SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ leader and guide of the Southern lands.

So to this end NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ convened an assembly of his army captains, the governors of the North, and his scribes and after consultation they bade him to send a cryptic message in which he would demand that the hippopotami of the Sacred Lake of  WЗST/Wa-set should be permanently silenced for their noise filled the ears of the peoples of the city of HWT WRT/Hut Weret and did not bade that any should sleep.

It was well known by the wise men of the court of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ that SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ leader of the Southern city WЗST/Wa-set was a devout follower of IMWN R‘/Amun-Ra and walked in the ways of the laws of MЗ‘T/Maat, the sacred precepts of the Wahenga na Wahenguzi.

Once days had passed in which the message was duly composed and finished by the scribes of the court of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ that he did have it conveyed to SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ leader of the Southern city WЗST/Wa-set.  Once the royal herald of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ had arrived in WЗST/Wa-set at the head of an entourage of attendants, servants and guards, he was ushered into the precincts of the royal residence and given and audience with SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health.’  When in the presence of SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ one of the court officials did ask, ‘for what reason have you journeyed to WЗST/Wa-set? Why do you desire an audience with SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health?’

And the herald replied, ‘I have come on behalf of my sovereign, NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ he it is that has sent me to deliver unto you this message. ‘NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ does demand that the hippopotami of the Sacred Lake of  WЗST/Wa-set should be permanently silenced for their noise fills the ears of the peoples of the city of HWT WRT/Hut Weret and do not bade that any should sleep.’

Having heard the words of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ from the mouth of his herald and comprehending their import and subtle meaning, SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ did prudently hold his tongue replying not a word either good or bad.

Then SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ did say, ‘Is this how your master, NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ seeks to know the state of the land and peoples of the Sacred Lake of the hippopotami here in WЗST/Wa-set?’  To which the herald of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ replied to SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ ‘It is for you to determine the cause for why my master has sent this message unto you.’

Then SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ bade the herald to repeat the message once more and the herald did again repeat the message and ended saying these are the words that NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ has ordered me to bring to your ears.

After which time SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ leader of the Southern lands, had t SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ had the herald of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ well cared for, fed the finest foods of the land and had him provisioned with supplies of the best foodstuffs for he and his, guards, servants and attendants on their return journey to the North.

Then SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ spoke saying publish well to your master all the acceptable things that I have had prepared on your behalf.  After this the herald of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ and his retinue of guards, servants and attendants, did set forth on their return journey to the Northern land.

At this point SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ leader of the southern city of WЗST/Wa-set, sent his attendants, servants and guards to request the presence of his governors, the elders, and all the captains and officials of the hosts of the army and relayed to them the whole of the message of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ which he had communicated to him by the lips of his herald.  And the army captains and generals, commanders of the chariot hosts, the HRSŠTЗ/Herseshta of the Temples, the scribes and elders, all were hushed and fell completely quiet, as they contemplated these grave words, for they would not immediately and rashly speak as they were not yet able to provide SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa ‘Life, Prosperity and Health,’ with a response that could adequately give answer to this loathsome, iniquitous and depraved affair engendered by NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, ‘Life, Prosperity and Health!’”[4]

It seems that NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi reigning as the paramount leader of the   , IDHW ITRW H ‘PI/Idehu Iteru Hapi [Kush/Kemet: Nile Delta] became gravely concerned at the course of events that were transpiring in the south. 

Following the chaos of  , PR ‘З/Per-aa XIII [Kush/Kemet: Dynasty 13] through the majority of  , PR ‘З/Per-aa XVI [Kush/Kemet: Dynasty 16] and the ascension to hegemony of the    , HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu [Kush/Kemet: Rulers of Foreign Lands, Hyksos], he undoubtedly had designs on unifying the ‘Two Lands’ under his rule. 

His course of action was perhaps an attempt to arrest the current course of events in the south and to alter the conditions of political-economic life which continued to improve in the Southern lands as a result of the unification strategy of SNЗXTNR ЗHMS/Senakhtenre Ahmese.  So perhaps in response to the rising power of , WЗST/Wa-set [Kush/Kemet: City of the Sceptre, Thebes] and in an effort to strike while he felt he had the upper hand he devised his strategy.  

Now the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] rulers having access to the archives of the , PR R`/Per Ra [Kush/Kemet: Temple of Ra, Temple of the Sun], in , IWNW/Iunu [Kush/Kemet: Anu], the      , NIWT M R‘/Niut em Ra [Kush/Kemet: City of Ra, City of the Sun, Heliopolis, On] were aware of the words of , NSW/Nesu [Kush/Kemet: King] XЗXЗWR SNWSRT/ Khakhaure Senusret III, of  , PR ‘З/Per-aa XII [Kush/Kemet: Dynasty 12] c. 2363- 2381 KC [c. 1878-1860 BCE] recorded upon a stone border marker, erected most likely after the construction of the line of fortresses at the southern frontier between Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] and Lower , KŠ/Ksh [Kush/Kemet: Kush]:

“The RSYW/Resyu [Kush/Kemet: Southerners] are attentive to spoken words,
to communicate with them is in their eyes to cease hostilities.  Should you
choose to launch an offensive against them, they will withdraw. Should you
choose to pull back your forces, they will commence an assault. A people such
as this one does not trust.  These are a contemptible, spineless people.”[5]

Though the Border Stela of , NSW/Nesu [Kush/Kemet: King] XЗXЗWR SNWSRT/ Khakhaure Senusret III is specifically directed upon the , RSYW/Resyu [Kush/Kemet: Southern Peoples of Upper and Lower Kush], to the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan]    , HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu [Kush/Kemet: Rulers of Foreign Lands, Hyksos] in the   , IDHW ITRW H ‘PI/Idehu Iteru Hapi [Kush/Kemet: Nile Delta], the , RSYW/Resyu [Kush/Kemet: Southern Peoples of Upper and Lower Kush] would most likely have included all of the ‘original’ peoples of the  , INT ‘ЗT N ITRW H ‘PI/Inet Aat en Iteru Hapi [Kush/Kemet: Great Valley of the Nile River, i.e., Nile River Valley] and thus , RSYW/Resyu [Kush/Kemet: Southern Peoples of Upper and Lower Kush] would also encompass the , ŠM‘YW/Shemayu [Kush/Kemet: Southerners, People of Upper KMT/Kemet]. Meaning then that the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan]    , HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu [Kush/Kemet: Rulers of Foreign Lands, Hyksos] would not have trusted the seemingly peaceful posture of SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa, knowing full well the potential power that lay behind the preponderance of human resources that a unified Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] represented.  

This then may have been the rationale that lay behind the actions of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi.  NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi and his counselors could not have chosen a more appropriate issue to pull the military forces of Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] into the battle field before they were sufficiently ready, but also, perhaps unbeknownst them, the issue they chose would not only unify the , SPЗT/Sepat [Kush/Kemet: District] ruling houses behind SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa, ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I and , WЗST/Wa-set [Kush/Kemet: City of the Sceptre, Thebes]; it would also unify the grassroots as well. 

To understand why NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi’s words would be so inflammatory, it is necessary to consider the spiritually symbolic role of the female hippopotami of Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet].  Now TЗWRT/Taweret, represented as a female hippopotamus, was venerated from time immemorial as a personification of the one Great Mama, who gave birth to the  , ITRW H ‘PI/Iteru Hapi [Kush/Kemet: Nile River and its , B‘HW/Bahu [Kush/Kemet: Inundation], and thus ensured the fecundity of the soils of the ‘Two Lands,’ its provision of sustenance and its regular revitalization of the nation.  

Also, in the , MR/Mer [Kush/Kemet: Pyramid] Texts and the   , PRT M HRW/Pert em Heru [Kush/Kemet: Book of Coming Forth By Day], TЗWRT/Taweret was the personification of the ‘Water of Purification,’ i.e., the ‘Waters of Baptism’ through which one was sanctified and reborn into Kuwa Wahenga, and she was additionally the provider of the sweet, nourishing milk of the lands of , SXT HTP/Sekhet Hetep [Kush/Kemet: Field of Peace]; furthermore, , IMN R’/Imun-Ra [Kush/Kemet: Amun], the patron Mhenga of , WЗST/Wa-set [Kush/Kemet: City of the Sceptre, Thebes], was considered to have been born of the pure water of the primordial , B‘HW/Bahu [Kush/Kemet: Inundation], and was, therefore the offspring of the waters of the sacred womb of TЗWRT/Taweret.  

On the other hand, the male hippopotamus symbolically represented the chaos from which creation had emerged; as such it was a representation of the , NW/Nu [Kush/Kemet: Primordial Waters, Primeval Ocean] and a symbol of , ST/Set whom the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] of the North worshipped exclusively.  

Together the female and male hippopotami represented the dance of life, its everlasting continuous beginning and perpetuation and therefore, the cryptic message of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi and his counselors was in effect, a veiled, execrable declaration filled with the greatest abhorrence demanding that that ceremony which was sacred to , IMN R’/Imun-Ra [Kush/Kemet: Amun], and his descendants of , WЗST/Wa-set [Kush/Kemet: City of the Sceptre, Thebes] should be desisted, thereby causing the people to commit sacrilege against q R, NTR ‘З/Netcher-aa [Kush/Kemet: The Great Spirit or Ancestor], through the person of the , NSW/Nesu [Kush/Kemet: King]. Now in , WЗST/Wa-set [Kush/Kemet: City of the Sceptre, Thebes] a part of the ceremony included the hunting and slaying of the male hippopotamus as a representation of , ST/Set the usurper and creator of disorder and thus an act of the restoration of order. 

But this was not only just a demand for the cessation of the hippopotami ritual which was considered an affront to , ST/Set, the exclusive God of the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan], but also, as the hippopotami symbolically represented the fertility and continued revitalization of the people through the birth of the Beautyful Ones Not Yet Born, it was a horrid and odious ultimatum calling for the complete and total Genocide of the people of the nation, to be interpreted as the Genocide of their independence as a sovereign nation or the biological extermination of the peoples of the land should they refuse.

Judging from the remains of SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa it would seem that his response was to strike forth in the War for National Liberation of Upper and Lower , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet].  Together with his son WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese, SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa launched a two pronged assault back by the full united power of Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] against the dazed and bewildered Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan]    , HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu [Kush/Kemet: Rulers of Foreign Lands, Hyksos].  

In one of the early military clashes, it appears that the forces under the command of SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa may have been routed after many early advances.  It further appears that either SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa died in combat or was executed after being captured by the military forces of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi.  With the remaining forces still in the field under the command of WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese, the great r , NSYT/Nesyt [Kush/Kemet: Queen] ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I, took the reins of state and assumed leadership of the nation.   

For in the atmosphere following the fall of the courageous SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa in the War of National Liberation fractures began to show amongst the nobility.  Of the mighty acts of ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I it is written upon a Stela erected in the , IPT ISWT/Ipet Isut [Kush/Kemet: The Most Select of Places, Karnak Temple Complex] of , WЗST/Wa-set [Kush/Kemet: City of the Sceptre, Thebes] by NBPHTIR AMS/Nebpehtire Ahmese I that:

        [‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I] she it was who maintained the traditional sacraments
          and ceremonies [commemorating the Wahenga na Wahenguzi] and with
          discretion administered and protected KMT/Kemet.  She has provided for
          the needs of the warriors of KMT/Kemet and kept watch over them.  They
          who had been captured, but had escaped, she sought them out and
          returned them; even more, she it is who recovered the absconders from
          the national army. She has made Upper KMT/Kemet tranquil be driving out
          the insurrectionists.”[6]

For her actions in provisioning and supervising the army of , WЗST/Wa-set [Kush/Kemet: City of the Sceptre, Thebes], securing captives, returning military deserters and masterfully quelling insurrectionary forces that arose perhaps in the wake of the death of SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa, ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I was three times awarded the highest military award for valor on the field of battle in defense of the nation of , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet], the Order of the , ‘FF/Afef [Kush/Kemet: Golden Jewelry in the form of a stylized Fly].

WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese returned to , WЗST/Wa-set [Kush/Kemet: City of the Sceptre, Thebes] and with the aid of ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I was firmly established upon the throne of Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet]

At which point we have evidence that the following took place as WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese began to consider the political-economic position of the entire land of , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] from the coasts of the   , IDHW ITRW H ‘PI/Idehu Iteru Hapi [Kush/Kemet: Nile Delta] to the fortified borders with Lower , KŠ/Ksh [Kush/Kemet: Kush]:

The Liberation Chronicles of WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese recorded on the first of two Stone Stela erected in the Temple of
IMWN R‘/Amun-Ra in the Holy City of WЗST/Wa-set c. 2691 KC
[c. 1550 BCE]:

        “Year three of the sovereign HRW/Heru, he who is manifest upon the throne
          of the TЗWI/Taui [Kush/Kemet: The Two Ladies], the twin majestic pillars;
          HRT NBW/Heret Nebu [Kush/Kemet: The Golden Heru], he who makes
          tranquil the Two Lands, the King of Upper and Lower KMT/Kemet SЗ R‘
          WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese, receiving life, venerated by
          IMWN R‘/Amun-Ra, sovereign of the Thrones of the Two Lands, the image of
          R‘/Ra, everlasting!

A powerful King, springing from the soil of WЗST/Wa-set, WЗDXPRR/ Wadjkheperre receiving life everlasting, a King of MЗ‘T/Maat!
          R‘/Ra has anointed him King and R‘/Ra has sanctioned and endorsed for
          WЗDXPRR/Wadjkheperre triumph in the righteousness of MЗ‘T/Maat!
          The righteous King in the royal residence at WЗST/Wa-set did assemble the
          Council of Elders, who were his administrative staff and said unto them, ‘Help
          me to understand the reason for the power of the kingdom.  Why does it
          exist? There is a King in HWT WRT/Hut Weret [Kush/Kemet: Avaris] and
another in Upper Kush and I am here in between them, an Black Asiatic and an Upper Kushite.  The two have carved out a piece of KMT/Kemet separating portions
of my land from me. 

It is not possible to safely travel through the land to MN NFR/Men Nefer, even though it is within the land and waters of KMT/Kemet. The Black Asiatic has even taken XMNW/Khemenu [Kush/Kemet: Hermopolis]. None is able to establish themselves while they are pillaged and devastated by the raids of the Black Asiatics. I shall struggle in war with the Black Asiatic, in close quarters combat, that I may disembowel him.  It is my intention to liberate KMT/Kemet and to bring suffering and affliction upon the remnant of the Black Asiatics.’

The Council of Elders considered the words of WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre 
Kamese, their import and implications and then responded saying, ‘To the
borders of KIS/Kis [Kush/Kemet: Cusae] the land and waters are controlled
by the Asiatics and all the land speaks of one accord on the matter.  As for
us we are prospering well in our domains here in Upper KMT/Kemet:
ЗBW/Abu [Kush/Kemet: Elephantine Island] is prosperous and secure and
we have the allegiance of all the peoples of the north as far as KIS/Kis. 

There the unencumbered land is ploughed, fertilized, planted and harvested for us,
and we feed our livestock in the marshlands of the north, all the while feed is
sent to us for our pigs.  Our herds have not been seized, and eaten.
NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi has control of the IDHW N HPI
ITRW/Iedjehu en Hapi Iteru.  We have Upper KMT/Kemet.  This profitable
state of affairs, we should upset only if the Black Asiatic moves in opposition to us,
only then should we be hostile to them.’

The words of the Council of Elders vexed WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre 
Kamese deeply, and he responded in this manner, ‘Your suggestions are
contrary to my thoughts.  They that divide my land with me shall at no
point ever honor and show deference to me, not NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb
Khepesh Re Ipepi nor the Black Asiatics who are with him.  Therefore, I shall
lead a naval expedition north to make war upon the Black Asiatics and we shall
be triumphant.  If the Black Asiatic has the intention of living at peace in the
land of my Wahenga, then I shall expel him and his people causing much
woe among them and freeing the entire land of KMT/Kemet.

The extremely powerful and confident sovereign in WЗST/Wa-set, WЗDXPRR
QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese, the mighty guardian of KMT/Kemet: ‘I
journeyed to the north land, for I was powerful enough to wage war on the
Asiatics and I had been inspired by the words of the Oracle of IMWN R‘/Amun-Ra,
the righteous one of MЗ‘T/Maat, and was directed to go forth triumphantly.  The
valorous, audacious and indomitable warriors of my army went before me in the
power of the fire of R‘/Ra.  The skilled valorous archers of the Kushites of MDJЗY/
Medjay excellent marksmen all, were at the prow of our naval vessels, their
purpose was to locate the Asiatics in their fortifications near the landing points
and to force them back from their strategic positions.  East and West of the
landing there was much to eat, and our hosts searched about everywhere for
victuals and supplies. 

I took with me a well-equipped, experienced contingent of the MDJЗY/Medjay
archers during daytime reconnaissance-in-force in the vicinity of the city of NFRWSI/Nefrusi.  We came upon the collaborator, TTI/Teti, the son of PPI/Pepi
in the city of NFRWSI/Nefrusi.  We kept him bottled up in NFRWSI/Nefrusi, preventing its evacuation while additional forces were deployed
to drive back reinforcements from the Asiatics who had endured in KMT/Kemet.
It was TTI/Teti, the son of PPI/Pepi who had turned NFRWSI/Nefrusi into a safe
haven for the Asiatics. 

Following the success of these first forays, I rested contentedly that night on my flag-ship.  At the first light of the day, I commenced the attack upon TTI/Teti, the son of PPI/Pepi and NFRWSI/Nefrusi with the speed and daring of a falcon.  By the time of the morning meal, I launched the final assault.  I dismantled the walls of
the city and slaughtered many of its inhabitants, and finally I had his spouse
brought to me in subservience at my camp by my boat on the banks of the river.  The warriors of my army divided the war booty as lions divide the carcass of their prey, taking some as bond servants, livestock, milk, the fattest parts of the slaughtered meat, and honey while dividing amongst themselves the property of
the citizens, in all merriment.

The entire vicinity of NFRWSI/Nefrusi all of its villages quickly submitted to my
authority.  It was not long before other cities were enveloped and reduced
to submission.  Some cities and there surrounding villages were evacuated,
all people having fled inside the city walls those reconnoitering in the valley they
discontinued their efforts, and the people of the valley they abandoned their

The Liberation Chronicles of WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese recorded on the second of two Stone Stela erected in the Temple of
IMWN R‘/Amun-Ra in the Holy City of WЗST/Wa-set c. 2691 KC
[c. 1550 BCE]:
          “…Reports of your defeat reached your city: though your army is in the
          field yet they retreat in the face of my warriors, your area of control is
          greatly reduced; your futility as an effective leader has made me supreme
          to the point that you must request of me the space where you will be
          slain.  Turn to your rear, even there my forces place you in peril.  The
          women of HWT WRT/Hut Weret will not give birth, their hearts shall fail
          them, when they hear the thunderous sound of my armies.

          Next, I arrived at PR DDQN/Per-Djedken, in joyous spirits, so that
          through anticipation of death, I would cause NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh
Re Ipepi to experience anxiety, that prince of Kanaan who is of delicate
Arms, who devises might plans which never come to fruition.  I then put
in at the southern city of YNYT/Yenyet and greeted the people who were
loyal to me.  I then organized the liberation armada which was well
equipped.  I arranged the ships in a line and placed my ship in the lead,
laying in the course with my standards flying above as a falcon, with my
golden flag-ship blazoning the way like a divinity in the forefront.  I had
the troop transport ship moored at a suitable place near cultivated fields
with the armada laid in behind it.  It was a scene like the sparrow-hawk
that pulls up plants near the plains of HWT WRT/Hut Weret.

I did see the women of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi on the roof
of his palace, and looking out of their windows, they were not moved as
they looked upon me, through the holes in the walls like small animals
and saying, ‘He is agile.’

Consider that I have arrived as a man of great achievements! All that is
left of the land is in my control, and my actions are completed
successfully.  With the everlasting IMWN R‘/Amun-Ra as witness, you
will not safely leave the confines of your city, to step upon the
surrounding fields even should I leave, you shall not do so.  Are you
agitated you odious Asiatic.  See how I consume the wine produced by
my captive Asiatics, from the produce of the land planted by you.  I have
destroyed your places of rest, harvested your trees, thrust your women
into my ships.  I have taken your prized horses and I have filled the holds
of the ships of my armada with gold, lapis lazuli, silver, turquoise,
innumerable bronze axes, moringa oil, incense, meat, honey, willow,
box-wood…all the best of the products of Kanaan. I have taken all of it
and caused HWT WRT/Hut Weret to be impoverished. 

The Asiatic is destroyed! Are you agitated you odious Asiatic? You who
were once sovereign from XMNW/Khemenu to PI HT HRW/Pi-Het Heru.
And HWT WRT/Hut Weret I left it desolate with no citizens, their cities
And homes, I put to the flames until nothing was left but heaps of ruin.
I , all this I did as repayment for the devastation they caused in
KMT/Kemet. All who had collaborated with the Asiatics had betrayed
KMT/Kemet, their Mother.

During this time I took captive a royal courier from HWT WRT/Hut Weret
as he journeyed south to Kush with a written message, on it.  I found
the writing of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi, the sovereign of
HWT WRT/Hut Weret and the message read, ‘SЗ R‘/Sa Ra, NB XPŠ R
IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi does greet you the ruler of Kush.  Why
have you not informed me of your ascension?  Have you seen what
KMT/Kemet has done? The sovereign WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre 
Kamese, the powerful is dispossessing me of the IDHW N HPI
ITRW/Iedjehu en Hapi Iteru.  I have not done anything to him that
resembles his acts towards me.  He has devastated the Two Lands
and caused much woe, both to my land and yours; he has laid them
waste.  Quickly venture forth into the IDHW N HPI ITRW/Iedjehu en
Hapi Iteru.  Do not be cautious.  He is here now.  No one will prevent
your march. I will occupy him until your arrival.  Together we shall
partition the cities of KMT/Kemet and XNT HN NFR/Khent-Hen-Nefer
[Kush/Kemet: Lower Kush] shall rejoice.’

WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese, the powerful one who brings
Retribution for injustice: ‘I immediately took control of the northern
Deserts and the southern lands and maintained naval superiority upon the
River and there was then no passage for the Kushites.  I maintained a
tight control on the army.

My focus is never distracted from what causes me concern.  NB XPŠ R
IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi was in awe of me as I journeyed north upon
the river.  We had not yet engaged in combat this was even before he saw
my armies.  At the sight of me he begged help from Kush.  However, I
interrupted his plea and never did it see Kush.  I had it returned to NB XPŠ
R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi near the city of ЗTFIH/Atfih.  My triumph left
him in shock, his body was in pain as his courtier described what I had
achieved at HЗRDЗI/Hardai [Kush/Kemet: Cynopolis] a city that formerly
was in the domain of NB XPŠ R IPPI/Neb Khepesh Re Ipepi.  I sent my
strongest contingent to DSDS/Djesdjes and I went to SЗK/Sako. Thus no
enemy force could threaten my rear.  Then in peace I marched south
crushing all of the enemy I encountered.

This trip south was for WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese, Life,
Prosperity and Health, joyous with his triumphant army in the lead.
There were no deaths or injuries, no internal conflicts, no woe.  The
fleet was docked in the homeland during the season of ЗXT/Akhet.
All were happy, food was plenteous the banks of the river were decked in celebration, WЗST/Wa-set was in festival, the citizens celebrated my
return, none was sad.  To IMWN R‘/Amun-Ra were burned incense in
his Temple where it is taught that one should receive the good, even
as he bestows the sword on the son of IMWN R‘/Amun-Ra, Life,
Prosperity and Health, the King WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre 
Kamese SЗ R‘/Sa Ra, the powerful, who unified the south and drove
the Asiatic from the north, who did take possession of the land by force,
who is given life, endurance, supremacy and joy with this K‘/Ka like R‘/Ra everlasting.

WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese directed the SPЗT/Sepat leader,
the official of the personal affairs of the Great House, the Chief official of
the land, the military leader, the superintendent of messengers, the
Keeper of the Royal Seal, WSR NSI/User Neshi, all the acts of WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese accomplished in war have them inscribed
upon a Stela, and have it erected in IPT ISWT/Ipet Isut [Kush/Kemet:
The Most Select of Places, Karnak Temple Complex] in WЗST/Wa-set for
posterity.  Then WSR NSI/User Neshi responded to the King: ‘I shall
complete all that you have said to your contentment.’[7]

WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese assumed administrative leadership of , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] reigning for approximately half a decade and continued the War of Liberation. As we see from his inscriptions he had to overcome first the complacency of the elites of Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] who were well placed in the , SPЗTW/Sepatu [Kush/Kemet: Districts] of Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] and in the institutions of the  , HWT ЗNX/Hut-Ankh [Kush/Kemet: House of Life, University]

Once having overcome this opposition he led successful campaigns in the north victoriously crushing the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan]    , HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu [Kush/Kemet: Rulers of Foreign Lands, Hyksos] in battle after battle and also preventing an alliance between the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] and the nations of Lower , KŠ/Ksh [Kush/Kemet: Kush].  Having subdued all of the territories formerly controlled by the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan]    , HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu [Kush/Kemet: Rulers of Foreign Lands, Hyksos] in the   , IDHW ITRW H ‘PI/Idehu Iteru Hapi [Kush/Kemet: Nile Delta] and leaving a sufficiently strong military force to lay siege to and keep the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] boxed up in , HWT W’RT/Hut Weret [Kush/Kemet: Avaris], WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese turned his full attention to the south and waged two campaigns against Utamaduni Mkubwa ya  , IW MIRWIWЗ/Iu Miruiwa [Kush/Kemet: Island of Meroe] with the intention of securing the , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] borders at the old line of fortresses originally built by , NSW/Nesu [Kush/Kemet: King] XЗXЗWR SNWSRT/ Khakhaure Senusret III.  

It is perhaps during the second campaign against the Kushites of Utamaduni Mkubwa ya  , IW MIRWIWЗ/Iu Miruiwa [Kush/Kemet: Island of Meroe] that WЗDXPRR QЗMS/ Wadjkheperre Kamese fell in battle ending his short but highly substantial and significant reign. At this point once again ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I stepped to the fore to hold the nation together once more rallying the troops and probably engaging in successful and victorious combat in the south as well as the north. 

In addition she assumed the leadership of the nation as the next , NSW/Nesu [Kush/Kemet: King], NBPHTIR ЗHMS/ Nebpehtire Ahmese I was still in his minority perhaps being between seven and twelve years of age when first SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa and then WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese transitioned to Kuwa Wahenga leading the War of Liberation being waged against the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan]    , HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu [Kush/Kemet: Rulers of Foreign Lands, Hyksos].  

This is quite possibly the second time that ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I stepped to the forefront in the War of Liberation the first being upon the transition of SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa.  This time however her regency would be longer and would entail not just leading the home forces and administering the affairs of state in the manner of Mhenga , ЗST/Auset but instead would require her presence and military skills at the front in the north in the siege of , HWT W’RT/Hut Weret [Kush/Kemet: Avaris] and in the border skirmishes against the confederated nations of Lower , KŠ/Ksh [Kush/Kemet: Kush] in the south.  

She undoubtedly prevented reinforcements from reaching , HWT W’RT/Hut Weret [Kush/Kemet: Avaris] from Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] and solidified the logistics which kept the northern siege forces well supplied while also dealing with stragglers from the defeated Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] forces still in the field. 

Additionally, she would have begun the reorganization of the administrative structure of the liberated areas in the greater northern theatre of military operations to begin to reintegrate them into the southern center and to dislodge any misguided citizens of , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] who still retained an irrational loyalty to the    , HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu [Kush/Kemet: Rulers of Foreign Lands, Hyksos]. As she had previously, she undoubtedly had to deal with insurrectionists elements that would have seen the transition of WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese as a golden opportunity to break away from the unified state and would have possibly sought opportunities to intrigue with the embattled Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] in the   , IDHW ITRW H ‘PI/Idehu Iteru Hapi [Kush/Kemet: Nile Delta].  

The tasks before ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I were truly dauntless and she completed them with dexterity and skill based in the acquired knowledge of her Wahenga na Wahenguzi.

When NBPHTIR ЗHMS/Nebpehtire Ahmese I came of age he took as his ceremonial sister-wife ЗHMS NFRTЗRI/Ahmose-Nefertari and thus established his traditional legitimacy to the throne.  He also chose two true wives ЗHMS SITKЗMS/Ahmose-Sitkamose, ЗHMS HNWTTЗMHW/Ahmose-Henuttamehu with whom he produced many children. 

Upon his ascension NBPHTIR ЗHMS/Nebpehtire Ahmese I having been groomed by ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I took command of the military forces of Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] and commenced the final phase of the conquest of   , IDHW ITRW H ‘PI/Idehu Iteru Hapi [Kush/Kemet: Nile Delta] and of Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] the stronghold of Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] power.  

With WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese having reduced the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] forces sphere of influence to the environs of , HWT W’RT/Hut Weret [Kush/Kemet: Avaris] and with ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I having successfully maintained this military policy, NBPHTIR ЗHMS/Nebpehtire Ahmese I led the rejuvenated southern military forces in the liberation of the sacred city , IWNW/Iunu [Kush/Kemet: Anu] the      , NIWT M R‘/Niut em Ra [Kush/Kemet: City of Ra, City of the Sun, Heliopolis, On] and after paying respects in the sacred shrines of the , PR R`/Per Ra [Kush/Kemet: Temple of Ra, Temple of the Sun], he continued on and conquered the strategic frontier fortress city of TЗRW/Tcharu, which protected the main route into Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] that was known by the name of the , WЗWT HR/Wawet Her [Kush/Kemet: The Way of Heru]

Next, we learn from one Mhenga ‘HMS/Ahmes son of his mother, ‘B‘N‘/Abana who served as a naval officer under NBPHTIR ЗHMS/Nebpehtire Ahmese I the rest of the Liberation Chronicles:

        IMY R‘H‘W/Imy Ra Hau [Kush/Kemet: Commander of the Fleet], ‘HMS/Ahmes
son of ‘B‘N‘/Abana, victorious and he says, ‘I shall speak to you, my people;
I shall relate to you all the good that came upon me.  I was honored with
The Gold of Valor before the nation on seven occasions.  I was given captives
for servants and much land.  The name of the valorous who accomplishes much
shall endure forever.

His words are, ‘I was born in NXB/Nekheb and my father served his majesty the
King of Upper and Lower KMT/Kemet SQNRЗ DHWTY ‘З/Seqenera Djehuty-aa,
victorious.  My father’s name was B‘B‘/Baba son of R‘YNT/Rayenet.  I became
a naval officer after him serving on the naval vessel SMЗ/Sma [Kush/Kemet:
Wild Bull] under his majesty under NBPHTIR ЗHMS/Nebpehtire Ahmese I,
victorious, at this time I was a young man and had not chosen a wife and
founded a house.  After I had established a house, I did serve in the
northern liberation fleet due to my boldness.  I also served on land in the
train of his majesty’s chariot.

At the Battle of HWT WRT/Hut Weret I was dauntless in the land
engagement in the sight of the King: at which point I was given command
of the ship XЗMMNNFR/Khamemennefer.

I then fought in the P‘DDKW/Pa-Djedeku canal near HWT WRT/Hut Weret
in close quarters combat and did take the hand of my opponent and had it
accounted by the royal scribe, for which his majesty awarded me the ‘Gold
of Valor.’

When the fight renewed in HWT WRT/Hut Weret, I again engaged the enemy
in close quarters and did take his hand to be accounted and his majesty
awarded me the ‘Gold of Valor.’

When his majesty took HWT WRT/Hut Weret, I did capture three prisoners,
One man and two women and the king did give them to me as servants.

His majesty laid siege to Š‘R‘H‘N‘/Sharahana for six years then the city
fell. I captured two women and took one hand.   His majesty gave me the
‘Gold of Valor’ and the prisoners as servants.

Following the Kings victory over the MNTYW STT/Mentyu Setchet, he traveled
south to XNT HN NFR/Khent-Hen-Nefer to crush the Kushites, and great was the
carnage wrought by the King.  At the Battle of XNT HN NFR/Khent-Hen-Nefer I
took prisoner two men and gave the royal accountant three hands.  His majesty
awarded me the ‘Gold of Valor’ and two women servants.  Then the King
returned to Upper KMT/Kemet in great spirits and triumphant for he had defeated
the Asiatics and the Lower Kushites.

From the south ‘‘T‘/Aata came leading a new threat, and soon his defeat was
assured; he was crushed by the southern spirits and the King met him at
TYNTT‘‘MW/Tyneteta-Amu and captured him alive and all his people with him.
From this engagement I captured Kushite archers when their ship was taken.  His
Majesty bestowed upon me five servants and a large estate in NXB/Nekheb.  He
did so for all the crews of the naval fleet.  Next, did the fallen TTY‘N/Tetyan make rebellion and the King decimated them in combat and gave me five servants and much land more in NXB/Nekheb.”[8]

It seems that following the capture of the strategic military fortress of TЗRW/Tcharu and the cutting off of all supplies to the    , HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu [Kush/Kemet: Rulers of Foreign Lands, Hyksos] now under the leadership of HQ3 X3SWT X3MWDI/Heka Khasut Khamudi that NBPHTIR ЗHMS/Nebpehtire Ahmese I laid siege to the capital of the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan], , HWT W’RT/Hut Weret [Kush/Kemet: Avaris], and after several bloody battles occurring within three major assaults took the city. 

He then followed up this successful campaign by pursuing the retreating Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] to the fortress in contemporary Gaza, the city of Š‘R‘H‘N‘/Sharahana and laying siege to that city for nearly a decade before it fell to him, he put the city to the flames and imprisoned the survivors.  

During the six year siege of Š‘R‘H‘N‘/Sharahana it is likely that the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] had to resort to extreme measures similar to those recorded by the Kushite Hebrews, concerning another siege a few centuries later in the city of Yerusalem, where the inhabitants resorted to cannibalism.[9]

During the military liberation campaigns at , HWT W’RT/Hut Weret [Kush/Kemet: Avaris] and Š‘R‘H‘N‘/Sharahana the Lower Kushites under the command of ‘‘T‘/Aata took advantage of the preoccupation of NBPHTIR ЗHMS/Nebpehtire Ahmese I with the war against the    , HKЗW NW XЗSTYW/Hekau nu Khastyu [Kush/Kemet: Rulers of Foreign Lands, Hyksos] and launched an invasion from , XNT HN NFR/Khent-Hen-Nefer [Kush/Kemet: Upper Kush] into Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet]

NBPHTIR ЗHMS/Nebpehtire Ahmese I returned there to provide additional military aid to the forces in the south which more than likely were under the superb command of the brilliant , MWT NSW/Mut Nesu [Kush/Kemet: Queen Mother] ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I and ЗHMS NFRTЗRI/Ahmose-Nefertari

Following the successful campaign against the Utamaduni Mkubwa ya  , IW MIRWIWЗ/Iu Miruiwa [Kush/Kemet: Island of Meroe] invasion forces in Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] NBPHTIR ЗHMS/Nebpehtire Ahmese I returned to the north and completed the conquest of the   , IDHW ITRW H ‘PI/Idehu Iteru Hapi [Kush/Kemet: Nile Delta] and then pursued the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] into KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] proper.  

From his victory at Š‘R‘H‘N‘/Sharahana we know from Mhenga ЗHMS PN NXBT/Ahmes Pen Nekhbet, the , SDЗWTY BITY/Sedawety Bity [Kush/Kemet: Keeper of the Royal Seal] and , IMY R XTMT/Imy Re Khetemet [Kush/Kemet: Royal Treasurer] that NBPHTIR ЗHMS/Nebpehtire I continued on to conquer the Kushite KUR Ki-na-ah-na [Kiagadèki: Canaan] city of D‘HY/Djahy located in contemporary Syria and perhaps on to the , PHR WR/Pekyaher Wer [Kush/Kemet: Inverted Waters, i.e. Euphrates River].  

Having secured his northern border and extended , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] political-economic authority to the , PHR WR/Pekyaher Wer [Kush/Kemet: Inverted Waters, i.e. Euphrates River] and maybe beyond, NBPHTIR ЗHMS/Nebpehtire Ahmese I then turned the full force of the renewed military might of the nation to the south and began to campaign against , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] former political-economic sovereigns of , XNT HN NFR/Khent-Hen-Nefer [Kush/Kemet: Upper Kush] and successfully secured the southern border regaining the old fortresses established by , NSW/Nesu [Kush/Kemet: King] XЗXЗWR SNWSRT/ Khakhaure Senusret III.  

At this moment internal dissent against the ascendancy of , WЗST/Wa-set [Kush/Kemet: City of the Sceptre, Thebes] broke out into open rebellion against NBPHTIR ЗHMS/Nebpehtire Ahmese I in Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] led by TTY‘N/Tetyan.  NBPHTIR ЗHMS/Nebpehtire Ahmese I led the Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] forces loyal to , WЗST/Wa-set [Kush/Kemet: City of the Sceptre, Thebes] and crushed the insurrection before it could spread and rip the newly unified nation asunder. 

NBPHTIR ЗHMS/Nebpehtire Ahmese I, then, with r , NSYT/Nesyt [Kush/Kemet: Queen] ЗHMS NFRTЗRI/Ahmose-Nefertari and MWT N NSW/Mut en Nesu [Kush/Kemet: Mother of the King] ‘ЗHTP/Aahotep I reorganized the administrative apparatus of the nation restructuring the bureaucracy of both Lower and Upper , NHSW KMT/Nehesu-Kemet [Kush/Kemet: Negro-Egyptian, Kushite-KMT/Kemet] to better integrate the north back into the nation and to better maintain control of the state so as to minimize opportunities for internal insurrection. 

In addition, they reestablished direct trade relations with international ports in places such as Kushite Fulani/Minoa and to commemorate their acts engaged in the tradition of impressive, large-scale awe-inspiring  , R PR/Ra Per [Kush/Kemet: Temple] and , MR/Mer [Kush/Kemet: Pyramid] construction setting a precedent for the new  , PR ‘З/Per-aa XVIII [18th Dynasty of KMT/Kemet], which they founded.

[1] The material on the KMT/Kemet War of National Liberation is taken from the forthcoming book: Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi,      The Book of the Tep Heseb: An Afrikological Research Methodology (Iringa, Tanzania: University of New Timbuktu SBЗ/Seba Press, 2015)

[2] From Forthcoming Book: ‘Pert.Em.Hru: Book of Coming Forth By Day’ [Pre-Dynastic Kemet/Early Dynastic Kush, 8000-4241 KC/BCE] Trans., Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi, Arkhet Nti Rekh: Books of Knowing Vol. II (Iringa, Tanzania.: A. Dukuzumurenyi, 2017)

[3] Herbert Marcuse, Reason and Revolution: An Introduction to the Dialectical Thinking of Hegel and Marx (London: Oxford University Press, 1941); Herbert Marcuse, “Ethics and Revolution," in Kultur und Gesellschaft Vol. II (Frankfurt, Germany: Suhrkamp, 1965) pp. 130-146; Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth Trans. Constance Farrington (New York: Grove Press, 1965)

[4] Translation by the author for other translations see: A. H. Sayce (Ed.), Records of the Past: Being English Translations of the Ancient Monuments of Egypt and Western Asia Vol. I-IV (London: Samuel Bagster and Sons Limited, 1888); Gaston Maspero, History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia and Assyria Vol. IV The First Chaldean Empire and the Hyksos in Egypt (London: The Grolier Society Publishers, 1903); Alan H. Gardiner (Ed.), Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum Vol. I Text (London: British Museum, 1935); James B. Pritchard (Ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1969); William Kelly Simpson (Ed.), The Literature of Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Stories, Instructions, and Poetry (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1972); John Lawrence Foster, Ancient Egyptian Literature: An Anthology (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001); Adolf Erman, Ancient Egyptian Literature: A Collection of Poems, Narratives and Manuals of Instructions from the Third and Second Millennia BC Aylward M. Blackman (Trans.), (New York: Kegan Paul, 2005)

[5] Border Stela of PR ‘З/Per-aa XЗXЗWR SNWSRT/Khakhaure Senusret III, NSW BITY/Nesu Bity, PR ‘З/Per-aa XII c. 2363- 2381 KC [c. 1878-1860 BCE]

[6] For Medu Neter text transcript see: George S. Teindorff, Urkunden des Aegyptischen Altertums Vol. XX-XXI (Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1904) pp. 10-16; Kurt Sethe and Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie: Historisch-biographische Urkunden Vol. V (Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1906) pp. 4-14.
[7] See WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese Stela Luxor Museum, Luxor Egypt and the WЗDXPRR QЗMS/Wadjkheperre Kamese Tablet, erroneously called the Carnarvon Tablet in the Egyptian Museum Cairo, Egypt. This is a new translation for this text. For other translations see: Kurt Sethe and Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18 Dynastie: Historisch-biographische Urkunden Vol. V (Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1906); James B. Pritchard, (ed.) Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969); William Kelly Simpson (Ed.), The Literature of Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Stories, Instructions, and Poetry (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1972); K.S.B. Ryholt, The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period c. 1800-1550 BC (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 1997); Nicolas Grimal, A History of Ancient Egypt (Paris: Librairie Arthéme Fayard, 1988); E.D. Oren, (Ed.), The Hyksos: New Historical and Archaeological Perspectives (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997); John Lawrence Foster, Ancient Egyptian Literature: An Anthology (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001)

[8] This is a new translation for this text. For other translations see: James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt: Historical Documents from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest Vol. II The Eighteenth Dynasty (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1906) pp. 6-9; Kurt Sethe and Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18 Dynastie: Historisch-biographische Urkunden Vol. V (Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1906); James B. Pritchard, (ed.) Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969); William Kelly Simpson (Ed.), The Literature of Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Stories, Instructions, and Poetry (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1972)

[9] “Book of II Kings 6:24-7:20,” William Tyndale, (Trans.) Holy Bible (London, 1530); Lancelot C. L. Brenton, (Trans.) The Septuagint: With Apocrypha (London: Samuel Bagster & Sons, Ltd., 1851); “Christian Old Testament,” Holy Bible: With Apocrypha King James Version (London, England:, 1611) and New International Version (Colorado Springs: International Bible Society, 1984)

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